Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the 7.62 NATO come first? CARABINE SEMI AUTO VERNEY CARRON IMPACT NT Composite, CAL 300 winchester magnum, canon 55cm, chasse, battue, traque, sanglier, chevreuil, chamois, loups, renard, winchester. they won’t stop with astetics, magazine compacity, action type, caliber, etc. Your entire existence here simply because of your name is utter hypocrisy. Verney-Carron SA 54 Boulevard Thiers - BP 80072 42002 Saint-Étienne cedex 1 FRANCE Entreprise du patrimoine vivant - Certifié ISO 9001 ALMOST like that kiling machine..THE MACHETE. Like this: Verney-Carron présente son nouveau fusil semi-automatique à emprunt de gaz, le Semi-auto Vercar, un fusil fiable, robuste, à un prix toujours aussi abordable.. They’ll just change the law to make you illegal again. Don’t get me wrong I don’t want to see that happen but this is something the French came up with could imagine if you took the American gun companies and let them run wild with designing “loophole” guns on a national level. 30-06 packs more ft.lbs of energy than .308. If California can’t stop companies without passing a new set of gun laws a year then the federal government won’t stand a chance. carabine semi auto Verney carron Impact NT ONE Bois, cal 7×64, 1 299,00 € Ajouter au panier; Carabine Browning Bar MK3 Hunter avec bande de battue, cal 9,3x62 avec mallette CARABINE SEMI AUTO VERNEY CARRON IMPACT NT Composite, CAL 30-06, canon 55cm Think of the children! That will be the next thing there: complete total blanket ban on centerfire rifles and there ammunition. You nailed it. review low prices products in our store. The .308 Winchester ammunition which the latest Verney-Carron rifle fires is the commercial cartridge from which the military 7.62 round was derived. This was possible because of improvements in powder since 1906. Découvrez notre histoire, notre héritage et … Which never work by the way. Présentation et essai du Véloce de chez Verney-Carron.Avec son nouveau système stop and go Think of the children! Nous vous proposons donc des armes neuves mais aussi d’occasion qui permettent s’équiper à prix réduit. (I’m not referring to the infamous Shark Fin AR grip, though…that’s just butt-ugly no matter how you butter your bread). The shotgun in that case had the barrel shortened to the end of the magazine tube and stock cut at the base of the wrist. An ugly business to put it mildly. Disgraceful! That’s it though. Canon de 71 ou 76 cm . 12/76, FUSIL S/A VERNEY CARRON V-ONE SYNTHETIQUE CAL 12, Verney-Carron Semi-Auto 2 canons + choke disperseur + poly choke + ressorts de rechange + malette. Anyway, I believe the 7.62 NATO became the .308 Winchester commercial round the same way the M-2 became the 30-06 Springfield. I applaud the innovation and the “in your face” marketing to the Aussie govt., but they could include one really great additional innovation: Put the bolt release/lever action on the left side so you do not have to move your thumb and break your grip in order to release the locked-back bolt. The idea of freedom and liberty will find a way even in the former colonies of the crown. 12/76, Fusil De Chasse Verney Carron V12N Slug Gros Gibier, Fusil De Chasse Verney Carron V20N Calibre 20, Fusil Semi Automatique Verney Carron V28N, Fusil semi automatique Verney Carron V12N Magnum calibre 12-66 cm, Fusil semi automatique Verney Carron V12N Magnum calibre 12-71 cm, Fusil semi automatique Verney Carron V12N Magnum calibre 12-76 cm, Fusil Verney Carron Matrix semi automatique-71 cm, Fusil Verney Carron Matrix semi automatique-76 cm, Fusil Verney Carron Matrix semi automatique synthétique-71 cm, Fusil Verney Carron Matrix semi automatique synthétique-76 cm, Fusil Semi Automatique Verney Carron V One, Fusil semi-automatique WERNEY CARRON DE LUXE, Très bel automatique VERNEY-CARRON 20/70 entièrement révisé, FUSIL SEMI AUTO VERNEY CARRON V12N CAL.12/76 NEUF (015383), FUSIL SEMI AUTO VERNEY CARRON V12N CAL.12/76 NEUF (015382), Fusil De Chasse Semi-Automatique VERNEY-CARRON ALTO 6 (760), Fusil De Chasse Semi-Automatique VERNEY CARRON ARC (787). !A SAISIR, Fusil semi-auto Verney-Carron ARC d'occasion 70 mm 66 cm, Fusil semi auto Verney Carron ARC calibre 12 Polychokes Réglable, fusil semi automatique verney carron matrix, Fusil Verney-Carron V12N Gaucher Cal. And the FN-FAL! pour vous proposer des contenus et services adaptés à vos centres dintérêts. When a round fires, the bolt locks back in the open position. The rest of the world gets those drugs only after the companies have recouped their R&D costs or the patents expire. In 3+ years not ONE has been used in a criminal offense, much less a mass shooting. wins the Intertubez for best comment of the day! Je suis très content de ce fusil, je tire de la slug comme des cartouches bille acier pour le prix il tient le coup, pas de trace dans le canon, bon fusil. Well said, bravo. There is no possibility of having it on her person when out and about. Carabine Verney Carron Impact NT KARBON. Entire countries have been turned into shit holes due to the insanity that develops in large population centers and the left wing disease takes over. ‘These guns are designed and marketed as being able to send out a spray of military-calibre bullets and they should not be available for sale in Australia.’. Multiple permits. I am now back in Qld Australia after about 3 months away. On the dole and with free time to troll another country. This tool massacred about one million Tutsies in Rwanda back in 1994. We invent all kids of stuff every time Sacramento and the Keystone Kops come out with the next slew of gun control nonsense. Just ask Bernie. But Oz’s gun grabbers are in a tizzy because the rifle will now be chambered in a caliber that’s almost just like 7.62 NATO! Because it’s 5 times more effective at pointing out that you’re a retard and that the UK is a third world shithole. He said what he wanted to whine and complain about that day and it’ll be that way for a long time. I am calling for a Vlad ban since Ze is not identifiable as a single individual and for culturally appropriating Romania’s national hero. High caliber words and letter-bombs are so destructive, they need to be approved, taxed and registered word by word. The proper response to it is with a big “Yawn”. Well, that’s 22 years of being runned by Snowflakes in the Down Under. Gun and ammo locked up separately. CARABINE SEMI-AUTO VERNEY CARRON IMPACT NT CLASSIQUE CALIBRE 300 WM . The only reason why we keep seeing dozens of comments by this Vlad persona is because he posts two or three, and then the same small group of sensitive people get all hurt and lash out at him. Of course our democratic presidential candidates will have to go even father since there current proposed ban isn’t far enough. Talk about a cartridge that was specifically designed for military use, yet the Aussies aren’t complaining about it? The rifle has previously been available in Australia chambered to take .300 and .30-06 ammunition. Trying to get deer for meat before knee replacement next week. In fact, every M-16 I was ever issued sucked. Modern powders enabled performance within approximately 100 fps of the .30-06 while achieving the primary goals. And while that was probably the right thing to do for the first 10 to 20 years after World War II (which decimated western European nations and left their infrastructure and economies in shambles), it has been entirely unnecessary for a long time: western European nations have been fully capable of bankrolling their own national defense for at least the last 35 years. To wit . OMG! I am all for freedom of speech, but this is not a public place… it’s a privately run website. Hi Southern, Acheter sur le site naturabuy le fusil matrix de verney-carron semi-auto calibre 12, a un très bon système à inertie les 24 grs comme les 36 grs passent très bien. You mean like the felon on release with the ankle bracelet up in Darwin? We are talking about the Australian Greens, who are largely the former Australian Communist Party rebadged and rebranded to appeal to the youth vote. Category B licences are held by hundreds of thousands of Australians including farmers, target shooters and recreational hunters. Their responses prove it. After trying one, I wouldn’t take it if someone offered it to me for free. Next up: Bump-thumbs for the Australian market. I give it a month before the Australian government bans it. Don’t forget about the guy who literally told the court that because he could not get a gun he waited until a family was sleeping and murdered them in their sleep with a knife or blunt object (don’t remember exactly) then burned their house down. I repeat myself. It’s up to you to work the lever! ‘The problem is the law itself is so outdated in terms of the categorisation system we have here in Australia. She can keep it in a lock box bolted down in her home, and transport to a shooting range. But Mark! 12/76, VERNEY CARRON SEMI AUTO A RECUL DU CANON CAL 12, SEMI AUTO VERNEY CARRON MOD V12N PLAINE CAL 12/76 CANON DE 71 CM CHOKE INTER, 6104 FUSIL SEMI AUTOMATIQUE VERNEY CARRON V12N CAL 12 CH 76 CAN 76 NEUF, NEUF "VERNEY CARRON V12N V-ONE CALIBRE 12, Fusil semi-auto Verney-Carron Matrix Plaine d'occasion 76 mm 71 cm, FUSIL SEMI AUTOMATIQUE VERNEY CARRON V12 N SPECIAL GAUCHER- CAL 12/76 - CANON DE 71CM - CHOKES INTER, Fusil Verney-Carron V12N gros gibier spécial balle Cal. Did he not have a reputation for cruelty? Unless we decide that there was enough of that dangerous fast speech and close the registry altogether. Receiver has factory case colors. Why consume several dollars of aviation fuel when a single .22 LR cartridge is just as effective and costs less than five cents? Carabine de chasse disposant d'un chargeur basculant sur l'?avant très pratique. No grandfathering. I have read that even possessing the New Z. shooters manifesto is illegal and jail time. What’s going on Vlad? If they don’t want the cops, prosecutors, and judges to do their jobs, who is going to enforce gun control? Le fabricant français Verney-Carron produit depuis longtemps des armes à rechargement automatique. Yep. Découvrez cette carabine d'occasion Verney-Carron Impact Auto, calibre 7X64, en très bon état et à prix attractif. Fusil Verney Carron V12N. Never mind the piles of millions of corpses killed by their own governments in last 100 years. welcome to usa online shopping center. One or two of you may remember I tried out a Verney-Carron over & under a while back when the brand was imported by the now retired David Nickerson. Stupid laws, results as anyone with a lick of sense on the issue would expect. Would it be possible to have the release of the trigger be the thing that releases the bolt? If you wake up worried that you might be mowed down by a machine gun every day, you either live in the middle east, or you are severely paranoid. They’ve come up with some impressive lever actions, for example. Poor Vlad. This gun has been available in .30-06 and probably .270 as well. Découvrez nos Carabines Verney-Carron semi-automatiques rney-Carron au meilleur prix : super promotions, petites annonces et ventes aux enchères, paiement en 3 ou 4 fois sans frais. they will winge and cry until they get their way and ban all firearms, whatever their purpose or use. They Can’t Stop The Message. Only government agents are to be trusted with fast shooting rifles… and shotguns. That video was from 2017. Whilst I quite liked it, it wasn’t especially to English tastes. But you can’t force other people (at gunpoint through government agents) to pay for them when you need them! Only assholes point with one finger. Governments frown upon such devices, as they’re just one simple step removed from an open-bolt machine gun. New Z. and Australia have some nerve lecturing anyone about Freedom. Il en existe pour droitiers mais aussi pour gaucher, intégral, c’est-à-dire disposant d’un mécanisme totalement inversé. We need day care camps for them. If we could just get the left wing nutcases to sign up for the next comet trip to the alien spacecraft hiding in the comet tail. VERNEY CARRON CARABINE VERNEY-CARRON SEMI-AUTO IMPACT NT KARBON Référence : 21964. Not sure if I have room in the safe for it but I can try. But they will still be taxed and re-registered to each new speaker. Australians have had to be very clever in gun design trying to get around insane bans, such as on pump action shotguns. They get holidays off and paid vacations again almost extinct in your shit hole country. While this program is instituted please cease all communication with the outside world. It’s why people still have facebook, and why facebook does so well. Also, you present it with the back of your hand. Technology wins out over bureaucracy again. Fusil semi-auto Verney-Carron Matrix Bois d'occasion, 3 chokes et clé, bon état général, N464-DESTOCKAGE! a rapid fire weapon that really should be banned before some maniac gets a hold of it and causes another massacre. They delude themselves thinking they are free and at liberty. They have retirement plans, almost extinct from an employer in your shit hole country. — that government ban pump-action shotguns? Nah, the sweetest victory will be watching clowns like you take a swan dive out of a helicopter. N1906- MATRIX VERNEY CARRON CAL. Verney-Carron ARC ,cal.12,enchères à 1euro sans prix de réserve - Fusils Semi-auto calibre 12 (7428092) - Achat et vente de matériel et d'objets neufs ou d'occasion de chasse et de pêche - And I have been going to malls for 50 years and never encountered all the bullets you claim are flying about. Verney Carron, leader des fabricants français d'armes de chasse depuis 1650 à Saint-Etienne. Bit past the cutoff for here but technically an option. Enter our universe, discover our story and heritage, and everything about our latest creations. That sounds suspiciously like an open-bolt semi-automatic system. Idjits. Have anyone of you ever actually finished reading one of his posts? Move somewhere else. They had a green technology plan which they implemented immediately over a decade ago while we are still arguing over even what plan we will adopt. Well, it’s true that there is no “lack of health care and life saving drugs” in the US. Verney-Carron welcomes you into a New Era ….. One that you seem incapable of using. Wait! With that system, the bolt is retained to the rear by the sear, is released by the trigger to fly forward under spring pressure and fire the cartridge, whereupon the bolt is forced back by recoil energy to be captured once again by the sear and held there, and so on. He us probably not one person. They said the same about the Adler lever action shotgun. He’ll eventually fall by the wayside. Dont you ever get tired of being wrong? Tous droits réservés. I tried one…it sucks having to pull back the charging handle for each shot. The Army liked it because the shorter cartridge allowed for a faster cyclic rate of fire. Just ignore him, and we’ll only see a few, which you can scroll past. Tiddvina and Southern, I defer to you and I haven’t Googled a thing. Paiement & livraison sécurisés. The shooter can then release it with the flick of a thumb, chambering a new round and putting it back into battery, ready to fire another shot. If you were in Oz, you could have looked us up on a Saturday to see one of our comps. You’re all dancing to his tune. Fusil de chasse semi automatique Verney Carron à emprunt de gaz. I’m honestly surprised they haven’t already banned ALL centerfire firearms and all centerfire ammunition that doesn’t go into a shotgun. A highly restricted firearm was made more illegaller. When are you going to figure out that you are more likely to be hit by lightning that shot in a masscre by a crazed gun man? Aussie gun controllers aren’t amused. It shows that it is not here to have a conversation about firearms, only act superior and condescending. It was literally the opposite, stating that inner city dwellers need to appoint people to positions of power to feel safe, regardless of the country. It took some real thinking to get around the law but the Government will ban it shortly because they know what it really is i.e. Ce fusil semi-automatique Verney-Carron Matrix à système à inertie Benelli et aux lignes élégantes est d'un excellent rapport qualité/prix.. Sucked. Proving my point. In other words, a manufacturer has looked at the laws in Australia and designed a rifle to comply with them. The 06 in 30-06 stands for 1906. Not the actual gun so much, but the creativity and chutzpah at getting around the laws and regulations. Anybody with even the slightest bit of common sense can see this is the slippery slope happening in real time. 20 - NEUF ! quote——————In a 3rd world shithole like england the individual has no rights.————-quote. Americans get the drugs first because almost all are developed here. Everyone just becomes an outlaw while crime goes wild. . It was my understanding that the 7.62 NATO was developed with a thicker rim for better use in machine guns and a shorter overall length to reduce the amount of precious brass used during wartime. As I recall, one of their Muslim terrorist attacks involved a shot gun. Ok I just got back to Australia from several months away but I had not heard about this rifle before this. Before the speech is even considered to be approved and registered, before we run a thorough background investigation on the would-be speaker, he has to pay at least $200 per sentence and get a tax stamp that proves he paid it. They also have affordable education something unknown in your shit hole country. Actually you should have to register your thoughts prior to dissemination. I’m starting to think asteroid 2020 isn’t such a bad thing.. How is the human race to continue with the apparent voluntary mass retardation of the left? Verney-Carron calls the Speedline a “semi-semi-automatic” rifle. Deemed semi’s in Cali., I believe. ‘your shithole country’. That’s why I don’t use a finger to point like an emaciated commie. Are we to declare all of the leftists to be minors and wards of the .gov so that they can do less harm to themselves and humanity? Copyright © 2007-2021 NaturaBuy. maybe for short periods at a time, but he’ll continue to rant negatively about shit he disagrees with and has no understanding of. Yep you talk from a high horse while posting under the name of a man that was Infamous for impaling babies, that is a sure sign of a sane person…NOT!