Renseignez-vous ci-dessous sur l'établissement à Strasbourg qui mène à ce diplôme. EM Strasbourg Business School distinguishes itself by being the only business school in France that is part of an academic center of excellence, the University of Strasbourg. 22 See the Ranking 2019: Master 2 E-Marketing et stratégie digitale. Study Master in Management in EM Strasbourg Business School,France. It strengthens EM Strasbourg’s status as a major business school at the national and international level. & graduate level. 3:58. EM Strasbourg Business School Full Time, English. France . Established in 2010 and co-directed with EM’s partner ESB Business School in Reutlingen, this dual degree program is intended for students having finished their undergraduate studies in non-business fields such as law, natural sciences, engineering or linguistics, which they seek to build on with a Master’s degree in European Management. The two-year study track is intended for students who want to acquire valuable knowledge in European and specifically Franco-German cross-border management. EM Strasbourg Business School - Université de Strasbourg. URL: His identity is defined by a forward-looking and innovative vision of the socio-economic world and its environment. For the last year of my Master degree, I chose to follow the courses of “International Wine Business Management & Tourism” at EM Strasbourg. facebook. Ce double diplôme de niveau bac+5 se partagera entre une première année chez le partenaire allemand (un semestre de cours, suivi d'un semestre de stage), puis une seconde année, en alternance à l'Ecole de Management Strasbourg. Master 2 E-Marketing et stratégie digitale. : 03 68 85 80 00 > Plan d'accès L'EM Strasbourg Business School, campus universitaire dans une ville au cœur de l'Europe : des formations initiales et continues, Programme Grande École (EPAS), Bachelors, Masters, Executive Education. Thanks to our two research centres, HuManiS - Humans and Management in Society - and LaRGE - Laboratory for Management and Economics Research - we are able to deliver cutting-edge courses. DEA) en Intelligence Artificielle appliquée à l'imagerie médicale à l'INSA de Lyon, - Ingénieur d'Etat en Génie Logiciel - Informatique, ... EM Strasbourg Business School 61 avenue de la Forêt-Noire F-67085 Strasbourg Cedex, FRANCE Tél. NOS LABELS. Dr. Kevin Mac Gabhann, is celebrating his first year as the new Managing Director of the HERMES network, EM Strasbourg receives AMBA accreditation for a three-year term, Commissioner Mariya Gabriel’s message for students interested in studying at EM Strasbourg Business School. Master Programs. L'EM Strasbourg et Hochschule Reutlingen s'apprêtent à lancer en octobre 2010 un Master franco-allemand en alternance. Entrepreneurship incubator âLa Ruche à projetsâ, A tailor-made personal and professional development plan throughout your studies, Practical information in Chinese, English and French, 450 business executives involved in School Life, In the Top 10 of places to visit in France (Lonely Planet), 3 international airports nearby (Strasbourg, Basel, Baden-Baden). The University of Strasbourg is strongly research-oriented and nearly 400 doctoral theses are submitted annually. Recruitment level: Graduate
Université de Strasbourg - EM Strasbourg Business School. EM Strasbourg Business School 61 avenue de la Forêt-Noire F-67085 Strasbourg Cedex, FRANCE Tél. Get FREE counselling. EM Strasbourg Business School trains students in an international environment to be effective and globally aware business managers, company directors and management experts. Parmi eux l'ESCM Strasbourg ou encore l'EM Strasbourg. Grande école Master degree. The second year of the program is spent in Tübingen and includes the completion of a Master Thesis. EM Strasbourg Business School Strasbourg, France. This prestigious international distinction, awarded by the Association of MBAs, attests the excellence of the degree program. : 03 68 85 80 00 > Plan d'accès. En deux ans, les étudiants en Master RH reçoivent une formation complète et professionnalisante dans le but d'occuper des postes stratégiques dans le domaine de la gestion et du management des ressources humaines. Make social videos in an instant: use custom templates to tell the right story for your business. EM Strasbourg Business School 61 avenue de la Forêt-Noire F-67085 Strasbourg Cedex, FRANCE Type of diploma: Grade Master, Field trips: European Parliament and Wine Route, 7 months of Compulsory internship with a personnal coaching. Master 2 Management du Tourisme Université de Strasbourg - EM Strasbourg Business School, ranked n°33 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking In 2009, after the merger between the March Bloch, Louis Pasteur and Robert Schuman universities the, EM Strasbourg Business School became the Business School of the University of Strasbourg, France's largest university.The School has 153 exchange agreements in 52 countries. EM Strasbourg has earned the British accreditation AMBA for its Programme Grande Ecole for a period of three years. EM Strasbourg Business School 61 avenue de la Forêt-Noire F-67085 Strasbourg Cedex, FRANCE Tél. See the Ranking 2019: Master 2 AES - Spécialisation Achat International. EM Strasbourg | Master Management transfrontalier franco-allemand. This combination of research and education guarantees a widely recognized expertise in Corporate Social Responsibility and gives legitimacy to our school with companies at regional, national and international levels. Accréditation AACSB The Master of European Management Studies is a Franco-German dual degree program co-directed by EM Strasbourg Business School and ESB Business School Reutlingen University. Master 2 Management du Tourisme. Thanks to our two research centres, HuManiS - Humans and Management in Society - and LaRGE - Laboratory for Management and Economics Research - we are able to deliver cutting-edge courses. Master 2 AES - Spécialisation Achat International. EM Strasbourg EM Strasbourg Business School distinguishes itself by being the only business school in France that is part of an academic centre of excellence, the University of Strasbourg. EM Strasbourg Business School trains students in an international environment to be effective and globally aware business managers, company directors and management experts. degrees at the The EM Strasbourg requires students to complete an internship of 3,5 months in a location of their choice. Master's in International and European Business. - Master 2 Recherche (ex. The best guides to your Master in Management Edhec Business School, Lille – Nice – Paris – London – Singapore, France, UK, Singapore EBS Universität, Oestrich-Winkel, Wiesbaden, Germany EM Strasbourg . NOS RÉSEAUX. Full Time, English. EM Strasbourg Business School 61 Avenue de la Forêt Noire, 67000 Strasbourg 03 68 85 80 00 Website : . Vous trouverez toutes les informations sur les établissements et les formations comme le programme, le rythme ou encore les débouchés, mais aussi tout ce qu'il faut savoir pour vous inscrire au Master Marketing à Strasbourg . With a bachelor specialised in Tourism and a first year of Master degree at the University of Angers called “ Wine, Gastronomy & Tourism”, I wanted to be part of this program for 2 main reasons. A two-year full-time master’s course taught in English or French. This combination of research and education guarantees a widely recognized expertise in Corporate Social Responsibility and gives legitimacy to our school with companies at regional, national and international levels. À l’EM Strasbourg, nous encourageons nos étudiants à s’investir autant dans leurs études que dans leurs passions. M2 Management des organisations de santé et médico-sociales Université de Strasbourg - EM Strasbourg Business School, ranked n°65 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking Master 2 E-Marketing et stratégie digitale Université de Strasbourg - EM Strasbourg Business School, ranked n°15 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking Upon successful completion of the program, students receive the master’s degree from EM Strasbourg Business School and the degree from their home university. Université de Strasbourg . 61 Avenue de la Forêt Noire . Students start their program at the EM Strasbourg in September and complete their first year of the master degree over there. EM Strasbourg has earned the British accreditation AMBA for its Programme Grande Ecole for a period of three years ! It is also a university in the heart of the city of Strasbourg, located on 4 major sites and several other locations in the region of Alsace, counting more than … Learn more. Share. EM STRASBOURG - Master franco-alleman. Ecole de Management Strasbourg . twitter. Check course duration, tuition fees per year, and admission requirements & Procedure. EM Strasbourg Business School is recognized as the business school of the University of Strasbourg. Accreditations: AACSB, AMBA. Make social videos in an instant: use custom templates to tell the right story for your business. EM Strasbourg Business School - Université de Strasbourg. A two-year full-time masterâs course taught in English or French. Our identity is defined by a forward-looking and novel vision of the socio-economic world and its environment. : 03 68 85 80 00 > Plan d'accès ... University master’s programme PhD programme (jointly with the Ecole Doctorale Augustin Cournot of the University of Strasbourg) Executive Education programmes . This model enables the combination of academic benefits and private support which is represented by EM Strasbourg Partenaires. Université de Strasbourg. Create . For the second year, the Chamber of the European Parliament welcomed more than 400 students from the Master’s Program to a conference-debate on the topic of CSR. EM Strasbourg offers a wide portfolio of European partnerships—the driving force behind its internationalization policy. Data analytics (TOP 200) France: 23 . Professional gap year (at least 6 months of internship). Throughout their entire EM Strasbourg experience, students are provided with the capacity to continuously evolve in complex and varied settings, particularly through the implementation of the three core values of diversity, sustainable development and ethics. Join us! Create. undergraduate EM Strasbourg | Master Management transfrontalier franco-allemand - Duration: 3:58. 67085 Strasbourg CEDEX . Purchasing (TOP 100) Business School. Dual Degrees within the Bachelor of International Business The Bachelor of International Business (BIB) is an undergraduate degree of the University of Strasbourg taught over three years. EM Strasbourg Business School 2,774 views. This is "EM Strasbourg | Master Management transfrontalier franco-allemand" by comvmedia on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who… More than 50% of the 237 cooperation agreements and the 1,000 annual outgoing and incoming student exchanges are carried out with European university partners. It is our pleasure to introduce to you the International Relations Office at EM Strasbourg Business School, a team of international education specialists!